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Authenticates a token passed from the frontend. Networkless if the secretKey or jwtKey are provided. Otherwise, performs a network call to retrieve the JWKS from Clerk's Backend API.

const authStatus = await clerkClient.authenticateRequest();


requestRequestreq object
secretKey?stringThe Clerk secret key from the API Keys(opens in a new tab) page in the Clerk Dashboard.
publishableKey?stringThe Clerk publishable key from the API Keys(opens in a new tab) page in the Clerk Dashboard.
domain?stringThe domain for the application. For development, you can pass the localhost your application is running on. For example: localhost:3001
isSatellite?booleanSet to true if the instance is a satellite domain in a multi-domain setup.
proxyUrl?stringThe proxy URL from a multi-domain setup.
signInUrl?stringThe sign-in URL from a multi-domain setup.
jwtKey?stringThe PEM public key from the API Keys(opens in a new tab) page -> Advanced -> JWT public key section of the Clerk Dashboard.
audience?string | string[]A string of list of audiences.
frontendApi?stringThe Clerk publishable key (deprecated in favor of publishableKey)
apiKey?stringThe Clerk API key (deprecated in favor of secretKey)


authenticateRequest({ req })

Takes the token passed by the frontend as a Bearer token in the Authorization header, and performs a networkless authenication. This will verify if the user is logged into the application or not.

import { clerkClient } from '@clerk/nextjs' import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server' export async function GET(req: NextRequest) { const { isSignedIn } = await clerkClient.authenticateRequest({ request: req }) if ( !isSignedIn ) { return NextResponse.json({ status: 401 }) } // Perform protected actions return NextResponse.json({ message: "This is a reply" }, status: { 200 })

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