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The authMiddleware() helper integrates Clerk authentication into your Next.js application through middleware. authMiddleware() is compatible with both the App and Pages routers.


Create a middleware.ts file. If your application uses the src/ directory, your middleware.ts file should be placed inside the src/ folder. If you are not using a src/ directory, place the middleware.ts file in your root directory.

For more information about middleware in Next.js, see the Next.js documentation(opens in a new tab).

import { authMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs"; export default authMiddleware(); export const config = { matcher: ["/((?!.+\\.[\\w]+$|_next).*)", "/", "/(api|trpc)(.*)"], };

With the recommended matcher, all routes are protected by Clerk's authentication middleware, with the exception of internal /_next/ routes and static files. Static files are detected by matching on paths that end in .+\..+. If your middleware needs to run on all routes but you don't want Clerk to protect every route, use the ignoredRoutes option.

Default behaviour

If there is no afterAuth present in the middleware, then authMiddleware will fall back to its default behaviour. The default bahaviour is:

  • If the .env based settings for the sign-in and sign-up routes are present, add the sign-in and sign-up routes to any routes listed in publicRoutes.
  • If the .env based settings are not present, add /sign-in and /sign-up to any routes listed in publicRoutes.
  • Make all routes from publicRoutes public.
  • Configure all routes from ignoredRoutes to be ignored and return no auth related information.
  • Make all remaining routes protected.


Assuming that the .env based settings for sign-in and sign-up are set to /sign-in and /sign-up respectively, the following authMiddleware would make the routes /, /contact, /sign-in and /sign-up public, no routes ignored, and all remaining routes protected.

import { authMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs"; export default authMiddleware({ publicRoutes: ["/", "/contact"], }); export const config = { matcher: ["/((?!.+\\.[\\w]+$|_next).*)", "/", "/(api|trpc)(.*)"], };

Use afterAuth() for fine-grained control

Some developers will need to handle specific cases such as handling redirects differently or detecting if a user is inside an organization. These cases can be handled with afterAuth().

import { authMiddleware, redirectToSignIn } from "@clerk/nextjs"; export default authMiddleware({ afterAuth(auth, req, evt) { // Handle users who aren't authenticated if (!auth.userId && !auth.isPublicRoute) { return redirectToSignIn({ returnBackUrl: req.url }); } // Redirect logged in users to organization selection page if they are not active in an organization if ( auth.userId && !auth.orgId && req.nextUrl.pathname !== "/org-selection" ) { const orgSelection = new URL("/org-selection", req.url); return NextResponse.redirect(orgSelection); } // If the user is logged in and trying to access a protected route, allow them to access route if (auth.userId && !auth.isPublicRoute) { return; } // Allow users visiting public routes to access them return; }, });

Understanding afterAuth configuration

When using afterAuth, the checks must handle all cases — a custom afterAuth completely overrides the default behavior covered earlier, aside from adding sign-in and sign-up to publicRoutes. afterAuth does not allow you to add just one check and rely on the default behavior otherwise.

Looking at the example immediately above, the following is happening:

  1. Redirect all users who are not logged in but who are visiting a protected page to the sign-in route.
if (!auth.userId && !auth.isPublicRoute) { return redirectToSignIn({ returnBackUrl: req.url }); }
  1. If the user is signed in but is not currently active in an organization and is not visiting the route for selecting an organization, then redirect them to the organization selector. This will force users to select and be active in an organization to visit other parts of the site.
if (auth.userId && !auth.orgId && req.nextUrl.pathname !== "/org-selection") { const orgSelection = new URL("/org-selection", req.url); return NextResponse.redirect(orgSelection); }
  1. If the user is signed in and accessing a protected route, allow them to access it.
if (auth.userId && !auth.isPublicRoute) { return; }
  1. If none of the above match, then the user is visiting a public route. Allow them to. Don't check if they are logged in -- it doesn't matter.

Use beforeAuth() to execute middleware before authentication

If you need additional middleware handlers to execute before Clerk's authentication middleware, use beforeAuth(). An example where the middleware handler from next-intl is executed can be seen below.

import { authMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs"; import createMiddleware from "next-intl/middleware"; const intlMiddleware = createMiddleware({ locales: ["en", "el"], defaultLocale: "en", }); export default authMiddleware({ beforeAuth: (req) => { // Execute next-intl middleware before Clerk's auth middleware return intlMiddleware(req); }, // Ensure that locale specific sign-in pages are public publicRoutes: ["/", "/:locale/sign-in"], }); export const config = { matcher: ["/((?!.+\\.[\\w]+$|_next).*)", "/", "/(api|trpc)(.*)"], };

Make routes public by using publicRoutes

By default, Clerk's authMiddleware() treats all routes as private if the middleware runs. If you need to make specific routes public, use the publicRoutes option.

import { authMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs"; export default authMiddleware({ // "/" will be accessible to all users publicRoutes: ["/"], }); export const config = { matcher: ["/((?!.+\\.[\\w]+$|_next).*)", "/", "/(api|trpc)(.*)"], };

Use the req object to match against urls. The following example makes all routes but /dashboard public.

import { authMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs"; export default authMiddleware({ publicRoutes: (req) => !req.url.includes("/dashboard"), }); export const config = { matcher: ["/((?!.+\\.[\\w]+$|_next).*)", "/", "/(api|trpc)(.*)"], };

You can also use regex to match routes. The following is an example of a negative assertion that makes only the /admin route protected.

import { authMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs"; export default authMiddleware({ publicRoutes: ["((?!^/admin/).*)"], }); export const config = { matcher: ["/((?!.+\\.[\\w]+$|_next).*)", "/", "/(api|trpc)(.*)"], };

If you are building your own sign in pages, you don't need to add these pages to your publicRoutes. They will be inferred from your .env file:


Execution order of beforeAuth, publicRoutes, and afterAuth

If you define an afterAuth function, it will run even if the request corresponds to a private route and no user is signed in. If you don’t define an afterAuth function, a redirect response to the signInUrl will be returned automatically. This diagram explains how and when the two handlers are invoked in the runtime.

Execution order of beforeAuth, publicRoutes, and afterAuth

Debug your middleware

If you are having issues getting your Middleware dialed in, or are trying to narrow down auth-related issues, you can use the debugging feature in authMiddlware. Add debug: true to authMiddlware and you will get debug logs in your terminal.

import { authMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs"; export default authMiddleware({ publicRoutes: ["/"] debug: true }); export const config = { matcher: ['/((?!.+\\.[\\w]+$|_next).*)', '/', '/(api|trpc)(.*)'], };


The authMiddleware() method accepts an optional object. The following options are available:

afterAuth?functionCalled after the authentication middleware is executed. This function has access to the Authentication object and can be used to execute logic based on the auth state.
apiRoutes?string[]A list of routes that should return 401 if the user is not logged in. You can use glob patterns to match multiple routes or a function to match against the request object. For example: ['/foo', '/bar(.*)'] or [/^\/foo\/.*$/]
audience?string | string[]A string or list of audiences.
audience?string | string[]A string or list of audiences(opens in a new tab). If passed, it is checked against the aud claim in the token.
authorizedParties?string[]An allowlist of origins to verify against, to protect your application from the subdomain cookie leaking attack.
For example:
['http://localhost:3000', '']
For more information, refer to the reference guide.
beforeAuth?functionA function called before the authentication middleware is executed. If a redirect response is returned, the middleware will respect it and redirect the user. If false is returned, the auth middleware will not execute and the request will be handled as if the auth middleware was not present.
clockSkewInSeconds? (deprecated)numberDeprecated in favor of clockSkewInMs.
clockSkewInMs?numberSpecifies the allowed time difference (in milliseconds) between the Clerk server (which generates the token) and the clock of the user's application server when validating a token. Defaults to 5000 ms (5 seconds).
debug?booleanEnables debugging mode in the Clerk middleware handler. Logs out additional debugging information.
domain?stringThe domain used for satellites to inform Clerk where this application is deployed.
isSatellite?booleanWhen using Clerk's satellite feature, this should be enabled for secondary domains.
proxyUrl?stringIf using a proxy, specify the URL of the proxy.
jwksCacheTtlInMs?numberSet the JWKs cache TTL, in milliseconds.
jwtKey?stringAn optional custom JWT key to use for session token validation.
ignoredRoutes?string[]A list of routes that should be ignored by the middleware. This list typically includes routes for static files or Next.js internals. For improved performance, these routes should be skipped using the default config.matcher instead.
publicRoutes?string[]A list of routes that should be accessible without authentication. You can use glob patterns to match multiple routes or a function to match against the request object. For example: ['/foo', '/bar(.*)'] or [/^\/foo\/.*$/]
The sign in and sign up URLs are included by default, unless a function is provided.
publishableKey?stringAn alternate Clerk publishable key.
secretKey?stringAn alternate Clerk secret key.
signInUrl?stringAn alternative sign in URL.
skipJwksCache?booleanDisables use of the JWKs cache.
apiKey?stringAn alternate Clerk API key.
frontendApi?stringAn alternate Clerk frontend API URL.

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