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Pricing that scales with you

10,000 monthly active users free.
Surprisingly simple, exceptionally powerful.
Every feature you need now and as you scale.

Free plan

Everything you need to get started in minutes. For free.

US$0per month
Get Started for free

Start building

  • No credit card required
  • 10,000 monthly active users
  • Pre-built components
  • Custom Domain

Pro plan

Advanced functionality to take your app to the next level.

US$25per month
Upgrade to Pro

Scale your app

  • $0.02 per MAU after 10,000
  • Remove Clerk Branding
  • Allowlist / Blocklist
  • Customizable Session Duration
  • ...and much more
$100 /mo
  • Multi-factor auth (SMS, TOTP, Backup codes)
  • Device tracking and revocation
  • Simultaneous sessions
  • SAML authentication
$100 /mo
  • User impersonation
  • Enhanced roles
  • Audit logs
    Coming soon

B2B SaaS Suite

The easy solution to

B2B SaaS features in
Free Plan

  • Purpose-built components and APIs for managing teams and organizations
  • Free for 100 monthly active organizations
  • Up to 5 members per organization
  • Invitation flows and basic roles

B2B SaaS features in
Pro Plan

  • $1 per MAO after 100
  • Unlimited members per organization
$100 /mo
  • Domain restrictions
  • Automatic invitations
  • Custom roles and permissions


Need more support and compliance features or pricing doesn't work for your business?

99.99% Uptime SLA

Support SLA

HIPAA/BAA compliance

Onboarding & migration support
Dedicated Slack support

Trusted by fast-growing companies around the world

  • Candor
  • Level
  • Grafbase
  • Seam
  • Honeylove
  • Pano
  • Covalent
  • SaaSGrid

Platform pricing

Base price
Included MAUs
Additional MAUs
Included MAOs
Additional MAOs
Dashboard seats
Additional seats
Remove Clerk branding

Authentication & user features

Social connections
Up to 3
Email codes
Email links
SMS codes
Sign in tokens
Automatic account linking
User metadata
Webhooks & data sync
Custom password requirements
Custom email & SMS templates
Multifactor auth (SMS, TOTP, Backup Codes)
SAML Connections

Security features

Account lockout / Brute-force protection
Bot protection
User bans
Allowlist / blocklist
Block email subaddresses
Block disposable email addresses

Session management features

Custom session tokens
Custom JWT templates
Custom session duration
Device tracking and revocation
Simultaneous sessions
Satellite domains

Administration & Dashboard features

Dashboard seats
Additional seats
Custom dashboard roles (Coming soon)
User Impersonation

B2B SaaS features

User limit
Invitation emails
Basic RBAC
Custom roles and permissions
Auto join / Request to join
Domain restrictions

Support & Compliance

Full data exports
Community Support
Email Support
SOC2 Report